February 7, 2012 by WISN12 — For the fifth time in two weeks, police were called to stop Milwaukee Public School students from fighting. The latest incident happened at Bay View High School at about 2:30 p.m. Monday. Thirteen students were arrested and given citations for disorderly conduct, Milwaukee police said. Before the bell rang at Bay View High School Tuesday morning, safety aides checked in, and following a fight with 13 students being arrested, more aides are on the grounds. MPS said the message needs to be louder to students.

“We’re very concerned. We don’t tolerate this kind of behavior,” MPS spokesman Tony Tagliava said. Last week, students at Madison High School were cuffed and put in the back of a squad car following fights. The same thing happened at Washington High School days before that.

At Bay View, some students said they are becoming used to the violence. “It wasn’t nothing but a fight. It ain’t nothing out of the ordinary. It’s just typical,” freshman Tay Freeman said. Bay View High School is part of a violence-free zone where mentors go to the school and talk with students. Running Rebels community organization is one group helping to make schools safe environments. “It’s nothing new for organizations on the front lines doing the work. It just says that we got work to do,” said Victor Barnett of Running Rebels.

Barnett said that may take adding more programs and being more involved with students in and out of class. But as a whole, he said a few incidents does not take away from progress being made. “The challenge is to make sure we show the positive as well as the negative to show everyone it’s not just negative, it’s both sides,” Barnett said. MPS said it’s committed to keep violence out of students’ lives and keep the focus on education. MPS said all students recently arrested will be placed into alternative programs, not just transferred to other schools.

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